A child lives in a world of wonder, awe and innocence. For some, happiness and hardship come in measured doses...
Never Say Never Foundation is dedicated to providing life-enriching, equine assisted activities and farm animal interaction to children and teens living with long term illness, special needs or other serious life challenges. Our Equine Assisted Activities (EAA) program and opportunities provide healing, comfort and human-animal connections to children of all abilities.
For families whose children have been diagnosed with cancer, long term illness, autism, mental or physical disability, or who may be suffering from other life challenges, trauma or setbacks, we seek to provide horse and farm animal related activities intended to lift children’s spirits, encourage personal healing and enhance self empowerment. This interaction provides special time away from home and/or the hospital for kids who can use a distraction from the everyday challenges and pain they may be facing. This unique program was created to connect the healing and unconditional love of horses and other animals to the children who need them.